After the gymnastics championships in the morning, we had a complete change of pace this afternoon.
Mulan and Miya's recorder teacher, Kevin Kim, suggested that they come along to a mass recorder playing event organised by the New Zealand Society of Recorder Players.
Once again, we had no idea what to expect, but we thought it would be fun to give it a go.
There were around a couple of dozen recorder players attending the three-hour session, playing a range of different sized recorders. The girls were the only children, and most of the other players looked old enough to be their grandparents. But the girls fitted in well -- Mulan immediately joined, while Miya watched for the first half before joining in.
The players were split into two groups -- one more advanced and one more junior. The girls joined the junior group. Mulan found it no challenge at all to keep up (in her words she found it very easy); to my non-expert eyes and ears it looked/sounded about Miya's level.
Mama and I relaxed on the sofa enjoying the beautiful music.
Apparently this event happens about once a year, but they are hoping to increase the frequency to once a term. I'm sure we'll be there enjoying the next one.
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