It had to happen sometime. With all our activities it was just a matter of time.
On Saturday, Mulan woke up feeling a bit yuk, so she did an at-home RAT.
Sure enough, she was Covid positive.
So, she was promptly quarantined in her room, while the rest of us donned masks, sanitised and socially distanced. We're all self-isolating at home for at least seven days.
Mulan's temperature went up to about 38 degrees, and for about half the day she was dozing on and off with a sore throat and achy. By Saturday evening she was mostly feeling back to normal. Now she's got a slight snuffle and feels not so energetic.
So far the rest of us are feeling fine, and our tests are negative.
But the extra precautions around the home are making life more interesting.
- All wearing filtered masks around home, except when we separately retreat into closed rooms
- All socially distancing from each other, and sleeping in separate rooms
- Washing hands and wiping surfaces regularly
- Opening outside doors and windows to let the air flow
- Mulan using a separate bathroom, and except for bathroom breaks isolating in her room with her door closed
- Mulan's food delivered to her door, then when she has finished she puts her used dishes outside (which are left there until the dishwasher is ready to be put on)
We talk to Mulan through her door and window. She's got plenty of books and her devices, and so far she's coping okay. In some ways it was ideal timing, coming as it did right at the start of the school holidays. Hopefully she won't miss any of her activities, and she was ready for a bit of de-schooling on her own in her room with books anyway. The biggest thing she's missing out on (besides cuddles!) is exercise/training. The recommendation is to have a graduated return to exercise after Covid.
Mama has organised her students back to online lessons for now.
I've done the notifying duties, emailing close contacts and adding Mulan to the Ministry of Health statistics.
We're not sure where Mulan picked it up from -- school, dance, swimming and music all happened as usual Monday through Thursday, while we all relaxed at home on Friday (except when Mulan delivered her Friday papers -- hope she didn't leave any Covids in anyone's letterboxes).
Here's hoping the rest of us don't catch Covid from Mulan, but in the end it's just about reducing the probabilities as much as possible and relying on luck.
UPDATE 2/5/2022: None of the rest of the family caught Covid from Mulan, and after a few days she was feeling back to normal. On Day 7 we all tested negative and Mulan came out of bedroom-isolation. By Day 10 we all stopped wearing masks around home.
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