Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Music and climbing

Unfortunately we couldn't be at multiple places at once last Saturday.

The place we chose to be at was a music camp for West City Youth Concert Band.

Both Mulan (flute) and Miya (clarinet) are in the band, and they have weekly practices.  But with two upcoming public performances (a concert on the 31st, and then the nationals in Hamilton in a month) they needed a full weekend camp to polish up the pieces.

At the end of the camp on Sunday us parents enjoyed a sneak-preview pre-concert performance.  To my inexpert ears it's sounding pretty good.


The other place we wanted to be at, but couldn't attend, was the annual Boulder Bash rock climbing competition at Northern Rocks (which Miya did last year).

The rules of the comp is that everyone has a couple of hours to climb as much as they want.  Each climb is worth points (more difficult climbs = more points), and we add up our best eight climbs.  There are three levels of competition -- Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

So today at our usual climbing session Miya and I did a bit of calculating to see how we would have done based on the results just published.

I pushed myself with a pseudo-comp, and my eight best climbs today added up to 252 points.  This would have placed me about three quarters of the way down the Intermediate Men ranking list.

Miya videoed me on eight greens today; here's a couple:

Miya was working on polishing climbs today, and she didn't try to do a pseudo-comp.  But she added up her best climbs she has completed recently, to give her an idealised score of 326 points.  This likely would have got her into the finals (top six) of the Intermediate Women section.  (And considering that there were only six women competing at the Advanced level, that's pretty impressive!)

Here's Miya on another yellow today:

We're really hoping there are no clashes next year, and that we both get to compete at Boulder Bash 2023.

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