Sunday, 22 January 2023

Mulan's NCEA results

The NCEA school exam results came through a few days ago.  We looked eagerly at Mulan's numbers.

And well done her!

As always, as with any on-the-day performance, be it athletics, music, dance or academics, there were some bits where Mulan performed smoothly, while other bits were a little under what we know she can sometimes do.  It's a snapshot in time, not an overall judgement.  Important, interesting and useful, but only in its context.

Having said that, overall it was a very satisfying result and something to be proud of.  I think it appropriately reflects what Mulan put into it -- her time, effort, seriousness, diligence, and, most importantly, investment-balance with the various other life areas in which Mulan is involved.  She put time and effort into her academic studies, but it didn't take over from also equally putting time and effort into her dance, music and athletics, to also achieve well in those.

So, Mulan passed NCEA 1 with excellence endorsement.

She got excellence endorsements in Maths, Science and Music, while she got merit endorsements in English, Accounting and PE.

She passed all 121 credits she sat, with 79 at excellence level and 42 at merit level.

Along with doing NCEA level 1, in her extension English class she sat a level 2 unit.  We were delighted that she passed this with merit, as in some of her earlier practices she hadn't done quite so well.

On the other hand, she didn't do quite so well in one of her Accounting units, getting merit rather than excellence.  Even though the rest of her Accounting was all excellence, with the bad luck of the points calculation system this dropped her down to merit endorsement overall in Accounting.  A little sad after she did so well in her school Accounting results, but that's the idiosyncratic nature of on-the-day performances.

Well done Mulan.  Super proud of her!

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