Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Another would-you-rather

After doing some maths times tables for most of our school time today, we tried another would-you-rather P4C activity.  This is probably our final would-you-rather for now.  I might try a few other types of P4C activities, if I can find/think of something that will work with just us three.  Any suggestions, anyone?  (I’ve got some awesome group stuff, but I sort-of don’t want to ruin them by just doing them alone.)

Question: Would you rather be chased by a bear, slithered on by a snake, or kissed by a monkey?

Mulan said she would rather be kissed by a monkey.  Why?  Because she would be slower than a bear, and would get eaten when she got caught.  And a slithery snake would be tickly.  But a monkey kiss would be slobbery.  Yes, but still not as bad as a snake.

Miya agreed.

Question: Would you rather play snap with a crocodile, swim with a shark, or lie down with a lion?

Mulan couldn’t answer.  Why?  Because I’ll get eaten in all of them.  Is there a least-bad one?  Still can’t answer.  But she pointed out that the shark in the picture has a broken tooth.

Miya agreed.

Question: Would you prefer to be sat on by a spider, sit on a pin, or pecked by a parrot?

Mulan said she would rather be pecked by a parrot.  Why?  A pin would be painfully spiky.  And a spider might bite.  Are you sure?  Well, maybe a nice spider might be okay, like a hoppy spider.  But not others.  But parrots’ beaks are quite sharp, and they may peck a lot.  So you might get even more stabs than you would with a pin.  And most spiders don’t bite.  Hmmm, yes.  But the webs are sticky.  Okay, a spider, but only if there is no web.  And she thought the parrot in the picture was not very colourful.

Miya agreed.

Question: Would you rather be king or queen for one day, rich for your whole life, or a superhero for a week?

Mulan said rich for her whole life.  Why?  Because a day and a week are a short time.  A whole life will be a long time.

Miya liked the picture of the superhero.

Question: Would you rather hear the world’s funniest joke, the most surprising fact, or the world’s best story?

Mulan said, with a big grin on her face, she would like the story.  Why?  Because she likes stories.  Big grin.

Miya also had a big grin, and agreed.

Question: Would you rather have dinner with a witch or a frog for dinner?

Mulan said she would rather have dinner with a witch.  Why?  Because a frog would taste yuk.  And poor little frog!  But a witch might be scary.  Yes, but a frog would be worse.  Mulan also commented that she had never seen a witch like the one in the picture before.

Miya agreed.  She also liked the witch’s cat and wanted to cuddle it.

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