Friday, 15 December 2017

End of year overview

It's the end of the year, so time for a quick overview of what Mulan and Miya have been doing.

We changed to a new ballet teacher (Rowe Dance) at the beginning of the year, as the teacher we had been with for two years stopped.  Both Mulan and Miya are loving their classes, and, with exams in September and a show in December, ballet has become a big part of their lives.  For the past few months, in their free times at home, both girls have often been discussing and practicing dances together.

With the change of teacher also came a change in exam system, from Cecchetti to RAD.  Both girls were awarded Merit (Mulan Grade 4 and Miya Grade 1).  Mulan's score was at the high end of Merit, and she got the third highest exam score in the school.

It seems like Mulan will be starting Intermediate Foundation next year (as well as doing Grade 5), so we may be even more ballet-busy!  Miya will be in Grade 2.

This year, both girls have been learning three musical instruments each -- Mulan has recorder, flute and ukulele, while Miya has recorder, violin and ukulele (ukulele is with Yeye at home, while the other instruments are at Belmont Music Centre).

Mulan has been very lucky to have motivated classmates, as well as excellent teachers, at Belmont, and the music they play together is sounding really beautiful.  Miya has been less lucky with respect to motivated classmates, and classes have sometimes been a little frustratingly slow.

At the end of year concert last weekend, Mulan was awarded two Senior Prize medals for the recorder and flute.

Next year, both girls will continue with these same three instruments, and Mulan plans to also start a new instrument -- probably cello.

Both girls are continuing to make good improvements with their swimming at Swim Lovers' Swim School.  Mulan is doing well in all four strokes, and has learnt tumble turns this term.  Miya has become much steadier and stronger with her freestyle.  Both girls are trying out water polo, and this may turn out to be yet another sport for us next year.

The girls and I all join Takapuna Athletics Club over summer.  Both girls continue to make amazing improvements in their times and distances, often getting new PBs (personal bests) each week.

I am especially impressed by the girls' achievements in their field events.  Running is, to some extent, genetic luck with respect to how speedy one's muscles are.  But with the field events (at least at the local club level) a big part of it is whether the kids take the time to practice and learn good technique.  Three years ago, Mulan started out amongst the weakest throwers in her age -- now she comes a clear second each week in both shot put and discus.  This is entirely because she has worked at it.  She is also doing well in the jumps.  Miya is similarly doing extremely well.  At grade 7, this is her first year doing competitive field events, and most weeks she is winning both throws, thanks to her regular practice.

Both girls started gymnastics at the beginning of the year at the YMCA.  They have both made huge improvements in terms of strength, coordination and movement skills, and plan to continue next year.

Mulan played netball over winter (terms 2 and 3) with the homeschoolers (HASCA), though unfortunately we couldn't find enough players to get a team together for Miya.  Both girls love playing, and are very competitive and active.

We'll probably contact the local schools next year, to see about playing for them instead of HASCA, as there are too many problems with getting together homeschooler teams, with a decent amount of time for practices.

Mulan attends a weekly basketball skills class at the YMCA, and in the first half of the year was in the homeschoolers (HASCA) basketball team.  We decided to stop the games (too busy!), but the classes are good and we will continue with them next year.

Both girls continue to do a little maths every day (7 days a week, all year round), using Khan Academy.  They are both making steady improvements, at a level that is challenging but doable.  Mulan is about three quarters of the way through US 7th Grade, while Miya is just starting US 4th Grade, meaning they continue to be a couple of years ahead of their ages.

Both girls are learning touch typing, doing a little most days at  Both are now doing around 35 to 40 words per minute (full keyboard).

Both girls have started learning coding (aka computer programming) through Khan Academy.  They are learning JavaScript, and are having fun making animations.  Mulan is getting the idea of more complex structures like functions and if statements, while Miya is happier to just work on shapes and text.

Both girls find time to silently read during the day, often up to a couple of hours.  Miya is now comfortable reading chapter books (eg she has completed the Secret Seven series), and Mulan reads anything and everything.

I still like to read to the girls each evening before bed.  We are currently reading The Swiss Family Robinson.

As a family, we irregularly watch YouTube videos on history and geography.  The problem is, we are still trying to find something suitable -- some are too "adult" (or at least teenager), with talking heads and dry information, while others try to be too "fun" and end up being too loud and chaotic.

Over summer, the girls (with the help of Nainai) do the family vegetable garden.  Miya is especially interested in raising the plants.  They have got lots of tomatoes, bok choi, apple cucumber, and kale.  They have also got swan plants and supposedly five metre tall sunflowers, which are about 15 cm tall so far.  They are planning to put in capsicums and courgettes.

Both girls also do weekly sewing lessons with Nainai.  They are learning the basics of repairing clothes, as well as knitting, crocheting, etc, etc.

Both girls are continuing their Chinese studies with Mama, though I have no idea what they are up to.

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