Term 3 is always the ballet exam season, with extra classes and lots of preparations.
We had the last of our ballet exams yesterday, when Miya sat her Grade 2 exam in the morning and Mulan sat her Grade 5 exam in the afternoon.
Earlier this month, Mulan sat her Contemporary dance exam.
Both girls love doing the exams, and there is always lots of excitement in the lead-up.
We haven't yet got the results from yesterday's grade exams, but both girls seemed very happy with their performances. Mulan got Honours for her Contemporary exam.
With exams out of the way, we are now switching to thinking about the end of year show, which will be mid-December. This year they are doing Alice in Wonderland.
So, of course I am now reading aloud the Alice in Wonderland (and then Through the Looking-Glass) book. I'm sure I read Alice to Mulan some years ago when we were living in China, but it doesn't hurt to re-read it -- there is always so much there to think about.
No doubt we will also watch some YouTube videos of Alice in Wonderland ballets.
We also plan to get Mulan fitted for her first pointe shoes very soon, for her to start learning to dance in them in Term 4.
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