Sunday, 9 December 2018

Music concert

Belmont Music Centre had its end of year concert yesterday.

It was really enjoyable, and not just because Mulan and Miya were both performing.

Mulan played three different instruments in three different groups.  Miya played two different instruments in two different groups.

Mulan's senior flute class (two students and their teacher) played one piece.

Mulan and Miya's senior recorder class (three students) played two pieces on three different sized recorders (soprano, alto and tenor).

And Mulan played the cello while Miya played the violin in the string band.

Both girls got a handful of certificates each for all the classes/groups they are in, and both got a medal (Mulan for senior flute and Miya for senior violin).

Over summer, Mulan will continue the music by having private cello lessons with her Music Centre teacher.

Next year, both girls will continue again at the Music Centre with their same instruments (Mulan with recorder, flute and cello; Miya with recorder and violin).  Mulan also plans to have flute lessons with Gugu (alongside cousin Maria), working towards sitting the Grade 3 flute exam during the year.

And both girls will continue learning the ukulele with Yeye.

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