Mulan and Miya's recorder teacher, Kevin, has a lot of different sized recorders. Mulan and Miya are starting to get a fair few, too.
In class, Kevin sometimes brings along a (homemade) recorder stand for his recorders. I thought it would be a brilliant woodwork project for Mulan and Miya to make one for themselves.
Here is the girls' completed homemade stand (I supervised/instructed, but the girls did most of the work):
The girls measured and cut the base, which was two rectangular pieces of plywood (leftover pieces from some house repairs). They then planed and sanded smooth the edges. We bought three thicknesses of dowel from the local hardware shop, then measured and cut the lengths (different lengths/thicknesses for different sized recorders). Next, we measured and drilled the holes in the upper piece of plywood, then sanded the holes smooth. Then it was time to glue the pieces together -- first the two base pieces then the nine dowel rods in the holes. When the glue was dry Mulan stained it. Finally, the girls stuck on four non-slip feet on the bottom (also bought from the hardware shop).
It was a great little first-off woodwork project for Mulan. When I was her age, at intermediate school I made a few similar sorts of things in woodwork class.
At the same time, we've been rearranging our music area in our living room. We've been getting too many new instruments! Here it is:
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