Thursday, 18 April 2019


On Tuesday, we all went to MOTAT.

For those who don't know, MOTAT is the Museum of Transport and Technology.

This month they've got a special on for educators.  Bring your educator ID, and you get a free family pass (normally $45).  They had this special last year, but there was some confusion and home educators (like us) were excluded from the special.  This year they got it right and extended it to us home educators.

So, the four of us went along for the day.  (Mama had to leave early to work, but the girls and I stayed until closing time.)

For the first hour or so we did the usual museum-y thing of starting at one end and looking systematically at everything, one by one.

But then we came across their special school holiday activity.  This was a find-the-item style treasure hunt.  The "X" on the map showed the general location, then the kids had to find the museum piece that matched the clue.  Completing each page of clues (there were five in total) won them a badge.

This was much more fun for Mulan and Miya, so we spent the rest of the day dashing back and forth around the grounds solving clues.  The girls completed it just before closing time, and won themselves lots of badges.

We possibly didn't look at everything quite as closely doing the treasure hunt, but it may have been more memorable and it was definitely more fun for the girls.  So, great idea.  Thanks MOTAT!

We're seriously thinking of buying the MOTAT annual pass.  This allows a family unlimited access to MOTAT for one year.  At only $95 it seems very good value.

The thing is, as Mulan is getting older I have been thinking more and more about how to introduce secondary school level science into her education.  Spending time at MOTAT and doing some more serious studies there would be very helpful, we think.

Another possibility is getting the Auckland Zoo annual pass.  This one is $220.  Maybe we get one pass one year and the other the following year.

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