Wednesday, 8 July 2020

US marines physical fitness test

Today we got inspired by Magnus Midtbø.

Magnus is a Norwegian rock climber and YouTuber who we enjoy watching.  In his latest video he and a couple of friends tried out the US marines physical fitness test.

Well, if Magnus can do it, so can we!

So, this morning Mulan and I did the test at the gym, instead of doing our usual weights training session.

We needed to do:
  1. pull ups (in 1 min),
  2. crunches (in 2 min), and
  3. 3 mile (ie 4.83km) run.
Mulan and I haven't specifically trained for any of this.  And I think it's been decades since I last ran 5km (I think the most I've done in recent years is 1500m).  But surely it can't be that difficult to join the marines?!

Here are our results:

13 pull ups
81 crunches
30:00 min exactly for the 3 mile run

5 pull ups
55 crunches (she did 61 yesterday)
29:30 min for the 3 mile run

Once we got home we did the research, to find out what sort of results we should be getting.  Here's the rules.

You get points for your results, depending on your age.  The points tables are: pull ups, crunches, run.

👴I'm 44, so I'm in the 41-45 years category.  My points were:

Pull ups: 72 points
Crunches: 64 points
Run: 0 points -- haha, FAIL!!  I had to get under 29:20 min to get any points.  With a bit of training, and a bit of planning, I'll get there.

TOTAL: 136 points

🐎Mulan's 13, and the closest age category for her is 17-20 years.  Her points were:

Pull ups: 87 points
Crunches: 46 points (or 53 yesterday)
Run: 48 points

TOTAL: 181 points

This afternoon, Miya and Mama went to the gym to do the same thing.

🏇🐕Miya's 9, so she had to do the 17-20 years category, too.  Her results and points were:

6 pull ups: 93 points
66 crunches: 59 points
33:10 min for the 3 mile run: 0 points

TOTAL: 152 points

👵In a few months Mama will graduate to the oldest age category, but in the meantime her results and points were:

0 pull ups: 0 points
35 crunches: 0 points
Did not complete the run: 0 points

TOTAL: 0 points

We might try this again in a week or two, and see if we can improve.

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