Thursday, 19 August 2021

A yellow before Covid lockdown

We're back in Covid-19 lockdown again.

On Tuesday afternoon it was announced that there was a Covid case in the community (around our own neighbourhood, in Devonport), so at midnight we went into level 4 lockdown.

Good call.  I trust the expert epidemiologists and statisticians on this, that without a serious and complete lockdown the new delta variant will get wildly out of control and our hospitals will be quickly overwhelmed.

Just before the Tuesday announcement I was starting to feel a bit under the weather, and had planned to get a Covid test.  I tried our GP (who we usually get it from), who said to go to the local testing station.  So I tried the testing station, who said come back on Wednesday.

I joined the Covid test queue at 8:30am, when the testing station opened.  Six and a half hours later I  finally got the test!  Luckily I brought along a book.  With the book propped up on the steering wheel, inching along in the car was bearable.  But I returned home utterly exhausted.

This morning at 5:20am I got the text message that my result was negative.  Just a regular cold, likely picked up at Belmont Music Centre, as usual.

Tuesday morning, before the Covid announcement, Miya and I had our usual climbing session at Northern Rocks.  We videoed a yellow climb that Miya had newly completed:

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