Sunday, 16 May 2021

Daily quiz

It's probably been a few years since I last prepared a school lesson for Mulan or Miya.

But a few days ago I spent a couple of hours working on a worksheet handout to give to them.

It was all Mulan and Miya's idea, and they demanded that I write it for them.

The reason?  Lately Mulan and Miya have got into doing the Stuff news website's twice daily trivia quizzes.  Each quiz has 15 multi-choice questions on general knowledge and newsworthy happenings.  Often the girls answer it first (separately) and then they grab me and watch me attempt it.  Results are slightly competitive, and this morning Mulan scored higher than me (Miya equaled me)!

A few days ago the girls decided that we could make up our own quizzes.  So, the plan was that the four of us would each design a 15-question quiz, and then we would each answer everyone else's quizzes.  Mulan and Miya wrote up a list of possible question topics, and our questions couldn't repeat topics.

The end result was that I had to research and write a quiz for the family.  It was a shock to the system to actually have to sit and prepare a lesson.

On Friday we sat around the dining table together and answered each others' quizzes.  Mama chose to do a China-focused quiz, while Mulan chose super-tough questions.

Lots of family fun, and some learning, too.

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