Saturday, 30 January 2021

Term 1 2021 activities

The new school term is starting, and we're finalising Mulan and Miya's activities.  Some things have already started, and we're easing back into our normal busy routine.


We're thinking about Mulan going to school in 2022, for Year 11 and NCEA 1, so this may be her final year of doing multiple activities.  Last chance to squeeze in lots of stuff, before the desk work gets serious!

Ballet/dance continues to be Mulan's main activity.  She's got a term pass at Mainly Dance Studios, to attend as many classes as she wants.  This year she's working towards the ballet Advanced Foundation exam and the contemporary Level 5 exam.

Athletics is Mulan's second activity.  We've joined the Takapuna Athletic Club for the season.  Her big aim this season is to be selected for the Auckland Interprovincial team, competing in Easter.  The big competitions for the season are all coming up over the next several weeks.  Mulan does well at all events, but especially does triple jump, 80 metre hurdles and long jump.

Music: Mulan continues to have private recorder lessons each week with Kevin Kim.  After dislocating her finger a couple of months ago she took some time off cello, but is just now re-starting to play.  Once she has de-rusted, and the finger strengthens up enough, she'll probably return to weekly private cello lessons.  We're looking at maybe doing Grade 4 theory and Grade 5 cello exams.

Swimming: Mulan has newly signed up for classes at NZL Swim -- she has two classes each week with the Swim Fit squad.  

Gymnastics: Mulan is again in the Extension 2 class at North Harbour Gymnastics, having one two-hour class each week.


Rock climbing is Miya's main activity.  She and I have got memberships at Northern Rocks, and we go there about three times each week.  She's signed up for weekly classes, and we're starting to look at whether she might want to join some competitions.

Music: Miya is continuing to learn multiple instruments.  She's having weekly private clarinet lessons with Brendan Dalton, and has signed up for saxophone and trumpet lessons at Belmont Music Centre.  She may do the Grade 4 clarinet exam this year.

Dance: Miya decided to stop doing ballet, and this year is just having contemporary lessons at Mainly Dance Studios, working towards the Level 1 exam.

Athletics: Miya does athletics with Mulan and me, especially doing well in all the field events.

Gymnastics: Miya is again in the Extension 1 class at North Harbour Gymnastics, having one two-hour class each week.

Horse riding: We've been seriously looking into regular horse riding lessons, especially for Miya but maybe also for Mulan.  It's not happening in term 1, but we'll see if we can squeeze it in after athletics has finished for the season.

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