Friday, 12 February 2021

Homeschool athletics

More athletics!

On Tuesday we had our annual HASCA homeschool athletics day at Onewa Domain, using the Takapuna Athletic Club equipment.

We had just over 100 children competing, with 12 different events happening throughout the day.  It's a pretty full-on day for the kids, with many of them choosing to do eight or so events each.  Some kids are familiar with the events while for others it's their first time trying it out.  So, it's a mix of fun have-a-go and also pushing hard.

It's the third year we've run it, and once again I was involved in the organising. To run all the events we need a lot of parent helpers, and I feel that each year it's getting easier to manage, as families start to know what's involved and each person does their bit.

I was on microphone duties again, directing traffic and walking the field checking it was all going smoothly.

Mulan and Miya competed again, hanging out in their age groups most of the time.

A good time had by all, and we plan to run it again next year.

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